What is Hidur?

»Without aesthetics, you can’t find the truth«
—Paul Rand (1914–1996)

»In the Hebrew language the meaning and purpose of the act of Hidur is to enrich, enhance and uplift our lives through Judaism as a way of life. By Hidur Mitzvot – the beautification of good deeds as well as religious practices and rituals – we transform our daily routine from the ordinary to the sublime. It is my belief that Art is another form of prayer which brings us closer to a deeper understanding of our own spiritual being. The artist becomes the messenger of this invisible process.«
—Yehudis Jacobowitz


Yehudis Jacobowitz

was born in 1970 in Munich, Germany, and is a certified graphic designer, visual artist and lecturer. Though determined since early childhood to pursue the career of a classically trained musician, her life took a different turn — and lead her to the visual arts. She studied visual communication, art and illustration with the late Prof. Hans Seeger  (Fachhochschule Munich) and the sculptor Karel Fron. She has numerous years of experience working for various agencies in Germany, Europe and Israel. For the past 17 years, Yehudis is also a lecturer for graphic design at academies in Munich (Macromedia) and Jerusalem (Lander College) teaching graphic and design, computer graphics, creativity techniques, typography and print.