little jewish prayer box
when art and aesthetics meet Jewish ethics in the 21century …
why is this box different from all other boxes?
The Little Jewish Prayer Box® combines holiness with art and aesthetics, fusing our spiritual obligations with our human need for beauty. The box contains all the prayers you need for your holiday celebration at home for Shabbat and the Jewish holidays. Comprehensively themed folders and booklets, artistically designed and combined in an elegant
slip lid box of the finest quality.

the building blocks system
Customize your box with our building blocks system. Pick from one of three base sizes that you can extend according to your wishes and add folders, booklets and upcoming new designs.
All folders and booklets are universally sized 6"x6" (148x148 mm).
The box and folders are sealed with a matt laminated surface to protect it against spills and stains. They can easily be wiped off with a moist clothe. The box offers enough space to also add your smaller sized prayer books, Shabbat candles or our constantly developing additions of folders and new designs.

A stable, durable and high quality slip lid box with a satin matte finishing, 5 color print and silver foil stamping. Its elegant subtle design – reminiscent of the Tefillin cubes, the male and female aspects of the divine presence – matches perfectly with all different colors and styles of your table decorations. It's a treasure chest and the perfect addition to your festive table.

6-page gate folds and 8-page zick zack folds, printed on strong 300g/m2 art print paper. They are finished with an elegant satin cellophane surface to protect it against spills and dirt.
Currently available: Kabbalat Shabbat, Birkat HaMazon (Ashkenaz, Edut HaMizrach, Transliterated), Havdalah, Rosh HaShana

• Zmirot | Songs for Shabbat: Hard cover case binding. The 56 page book is divided into the major sections of Friday night, Shabbat day, Third Meal and Mozzei Shabbat in Hebrew and English.
• Pessach Essentials: A 32 page booklet with wood print illustrations of Hidur Design's Pessach Haggada.

The ideal set/gift for singles or individuals:
1 Slip lid collector's box
1 Hardcover Booklet "Zmirot"
1 Booklet "Pessach"
1 Folder Kabbalat Shabbat
1 Folder Havdalah
1 Folder Rosh HaShana
3 Folders Birkonim of your choice (Asheknaz, Edut Mizrach, Transliterated)

Suited for couples and small households:
1 Slip lid collector's box
2 Hardcover Booklet "Zmirot"
1 Booklet "Pessach"
1 Folder Kabbalat Shabbat
1 Folder Havdalah
1 Folder Rosh HaShana
7 Folders Birkonim of your choice (Asheknaz, Edut Mizrach, Transliterated)

For middle-sized families and their guests.
1 Slip lid collector's box
4 Hardcover Booklet "Zmirot"
2 Booklet "Pessach"
1 Folder Kabbalat Shabbat
1 Folder Havdalah
2 Folder Rosh HaShana
10 Folders Birkonim of your choice (Asheknaz, Edut Mizrach, Transliterated)