Little Jewish Prayer Box
Your personal tefila building blocks
Prayer | Art | Aesthetics | The Little Jewish Prayer Box®
What makes this box different from all other boxes?
The Little Jewish Prayer Box combines holiness with art and aesthetics. It combines our spiritual obligations as Jews with our human need for beauty. It raises our awareness of kedusha in the upper world by manifesting it through beauty in the lower world.
The Little Jewish Prayer Box – contains all the prayers you need for your holiday celebration at home. Comprehensively themed folders and booklets, artistically designed, combined in an elegant slip lid box of the finest quality. Elevate the holiness of the day through beauty and design.
All folders and booklets are universally sized 6"x6" (148x148 mm). The box and all folders are sealed with a matt laminated surface to protect it against spills and stains. They can be wiped off with a wet clothe to clean it, if needed. The box gives enough space to add your smaller sized prayer books, Shabbat candles as well as our additions of more and new designs that will be released this fall.
The Little Jewish Prayer Box is available in different "sizes":
(please click on the other editions to see the details)
Edition S
Edition M
Edition L
For your celebrations we can personalize your box with a special dedication.
• 1 High quality slip lid collector's box
• 1 Hardcover Booklet "Zmirot"
• 1 Booklet "Pessach" (Spiral binding)
• 1 Folder Kabbalat Shabbat
• 1 Folder Havdalah
• 3 Folder Birkonim of your choice
(Asheknaz, Edut Mizrach, Transliterated)
• 1 Folder Rosh HaShana
The collection is in a constant state of development.
The Little Jewish Prayer Box will become your treasure chest,
filled with beauty and prayer.

Product Details
The Folders
… are 6-page gate folds and 8-page zick zack folds,
printed on a strong 300g/m2 art print paper.
They are finished with an elegant satin cellophaned surface
to protect it against spills and dirt, which can be easily wiped off
with a wet clothe if needed. All of them have the
dimension of 148 x 148 mm.

The Zmirot
… are printed in a small format hard cover case binding.

… is a stable, durable and high quality slip lid box.

It is available in the Version S, M or L.
for weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs or birthdays.
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